more_eggs Malware Hits LinkedIn Job offers

more_eggs, phishing, news, cyber attack, LinkedIn, job offers, zip archive virus, zip.exe

A new phishing targets professionals in the LinkedIn with a fake job offers by ZIP archive files that have the same name as that of the victims' job titles taken from their LinkedIn profiles contain a trojan threat called "more_eggs" that will install a mallware inside their Computers as soon as thes victims open the fake job offer. 

This tactic has been rotating around the web since 2018 and has been linked to a malware-as-a-service (MaaS) provider known as Golden Chickensand hits the Windows processes to raise the processor, and memory usage plus unknow bad service make some type of thieft works.

Criminals have only 1 Goal

Criminals operations increased with the current COVID pandemic, unemployment has increased drastically and security researchers are noting that this is a great opportunity for threat actors to take advantage of those who are seeking jobs by luring them into installing malware on their computers.

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