Best Android security software for 2021

We are in 2021 and information security technology has become one of the most advanced fields in our world, and if you are using an Android mobile phone and still do not use a strong and reliable Android protection program! You expose yourself to the risk of stealing your business files or stealing your personal photos and being blackmailed with them!

But the good news is that we will present you the 11 best anti virus protection programs for Android

But protection will not be limited to anti-virus, but these programs will give you some other features that will make you surf the Internet safely, completely hide your identity, prevent pop-up windows and protect your children also if they use mobile phones

So, follow what we will offer about the best virus scanning program for Android:

How do Android protection programs work?

These applications for mobile phones, especially for Android systems, work by creating more than one firewall for the protection system of your phone, and after that they are updated on a daily basis to be able to combat all types of viruses that are developed daily by the most severe electronic hackers around the world to bypass the firewall for anti-virus programs

Then, you will be provided with some features that will make you avoid collision with the ends of the virus thread in the first place, such as preventing forced pop-ups from appearing for you and preventing your entry to some suspicious sites that are infected with viruses such as Trojans that if penetrated your computer, it will cause serious dangers to you such as spying On the camera, spying on the microphone, stealing your personal files and pictures without even realizing it

Well, we talked briefly about how these applications work, but what are the best free or paid applications that you can use to protect your Android system?

Are the free copies the same as the paid versions?

This is what we will explain in detail in the next paragraphs:

Best Android protection program for 2021

  • Norton Antivirus
  • Kaspersky Antivirus
  • Avira Antivirus
  • Bit Defender Antivirus
  • NOD 32 Antivirus
  • Komodo Antivirus
  • McAfee Antivirus
  • Trend Micro Antivirus
  • Total AV Antivirus
  • Panda Antivirus
  • Symantec Anti-Virus

We have gathered for you the best applications to protect Android and secure your mobile phone, and we have classified them according to their strength in fighting all types of viruses, their ease of use, the characteristics that they have and more

The two best Android protection programs from the list that we mentioned are: Bit Defined Antivirus and Norton Antivirus

Bit Defender has an annual plan at $ 15, while Norton has an annual subscription plan at $ 30, but the best in general is the Norton Antivirus program

The free version is good, from our point of view, is the version of MacAfee Antivirus, as it has many features that work to fully protect you and speed up your mobile phone as well and clean it up first, but the only drawback is that it displays ads in the free versions until you make a paid subscription at the time. They remove annoying ads that some users may not like.

1- Norton Antivirus Application

  • Protects computers
  • Protects mobile phones
  • Protects your device's IP
  • Protects your passwords
  • Protects children when browsing on the Internet
  • It has a cloud storage memory
  • Protects Huawei phones and Samsung S3, Note4, and Galaxy phones

The Norton program is one of the best and most powerful anti-virus programs in the world, as it can protect your Android system by changing the phone's IP so that no hacker will be able to know your geographical location or even hack your phone through the IP address, so it contains a connection in My VPN is a powerful VPN that will completely change your phone's IP to another country

It also has a tool called “Password Manager” which is a tool that stores your passwords through it instead of placing it on the web browser that you use such as Google Chrome or Firefox browser, and thus this tool protects your passwords from automatic withdrawals from the browser that are done by Trojan viruses

One of its most distinctive features is that it contains the family protection system, as it works to prevent Android pop-up windows that may appear to the child involuntarily while browsing and in a large proportion may contain pornographic materials that our children do not want their eyes on.

Finally, it has a "Cloud Storage", which is a storage space like the USB flash drives that we use, but it is on the database of the Norton Antivirus program, and you can use it to put your important files on it, work files, your personal photos, or any file important to you in general so that You restore it again if any harm happened to these files in any way.

2- Kaspersky Antivirus application

  • Contains a safe browsing feature
  • Contains strong VPN connection
  • A dedicated page for online shopping and online payment
  • It prevents you from entering virus mined sites
  • It has a dedicated firewall to protect your phone from the ransomware virus

The Kaspersky program is classified among the top 10 programs in the world within the field of information security, and it has been tested on many international virus testing laboratories and won many awards from the largest technology companies leading in the field of information security

It contains a secure browsing feature that hides your entire phone data when browsing on any website, and it has another feature which is a VPN connection that changes your IP and protects you from penetration by viral attacks that penetrate your phone through your phone's IP address.

The feature that won the admiration of many of its users is that it contains a secure electronic shopping feature, which opens a window dedicated to the purchase process only and this window protects your entire data from being spied on or stolen in any way.

In addition to this, the automatic prevention feature of entering any suspicious or virus-enriched website, as some hackers place viral mines on dedicated electronic sites, and when you enter them, the mine (virus) is downloaded to your device completely automatically and without your feeling and through this matter your phone is hacked

Finally, it has a dedicated firewall to protect you from ransomware

But do other programs not contain anti-ransomware protection?

Of course, it contains protection against this type of virus, but it is not as strong as the firewall dedicated to protecting your phone from this virus, as it is the most dangerous virus that has appeared in recent years.

3- Avira Antivirus application

  • Contains a safe browsing feature for children
  • VPN connection
  • Pop-up blocker
  • Android cleaning and speed up tool

Avira is a really powerful program, but it is not the best from our point of view, or it is not the ideal program because it is paid, but its strength in protecting Android is not like the strength of Norton Antivirus

But what distinguishes it is some of its unique characteristics as its VPN connection is very strong and does not slow down the speed of the Internet on your mobile phone, in addition to that safe browsing for children that blocks all porn sites or pop-ups from accessing them

And because some of our children may be exposed to such things and find pornographic pages that are forced open for them, and in a large proportion, the reason is for them to browse some suspicious websites, such as most movie-watching sites or game-downloading sites, and we have talked about a previous topic that may interest you very much, which is: Ways to protect children from Internet

Finally, it contains a tool that distinguishes it from most anti-virus programs for Android, such as the Android Accelerator, which cleans the cache and registry files that accumulate on your phone's Android system and makes the phone run slowly over time.

4- Bitdefender Antivirus application

  • Contains a file encryption tool
  • 500MB of storage space
  • Wi-Fi protection tool from password theft

Bitdefender application for protecting Android systems is characterized by its containing a tool through which you can encrypt sensitive files related to your business or personal photos of you and your family

Through this tool, you can put a password on these files, as if they are stolen, the thief will not be able to decipher that code in any way, and it may take many years to be able to decipher it, and this is only if he has extensive experience

It also contains a tool to protect the Wi-Fi password, as it puts on your Wi-Fi a firewall intended only to protect it from all types of Wi-Fi hacking programs that are currently widespread, and finally it gives you a storage space of 500 MB and you can upload your important files on it and retrieve it again at any time you want.

5- NOD32 Antivirus Application

  • Email cleaning tool
  • Technical support available to you around the clock
  • Silent scan feature

Nod 32 Antivirus for Android Protection contains a few features that have made it wanted in the global market for information security, as it has some innovative new features to prevent all malicious cyber attacks and prevent fraud methods that have appeared recently, such as the amalgamated links that come to you via spam

Which may be sent by the cyber thief or hacker and put a virus in it, and when pressed, this virus is forcibly downloaded to your mobile phone

The Node 32 application contains a tool that prevents these malicious operations from the ground up, and with just one click, you can scan all your e-mail messages, detect virus-bombed messages, and delete them immediately.

Finally, it contains a modern feature of the advantages of Android protection programs, which is the silent scan feature, as you can scan the entire mobile phone files and run a game or run Facebook or YouTube as an example simultaneously, and this feature is lacking in some other Android protection applications, which if you do a full scan For your phone files, you will not be able to run a game or anything besides the scan process, because the phone will find it in a very slow state.

6- The Komodo Antivirus application

  • Contains additional firewall within range of protection
  • 50 GB in the cloud version
  • Your device does not slow down during the comprehensive scan process

The Komodo program is one of the strongest and best programs for protecting Android systems for the year 2021, and one of its most important features is the size of its cloud storage, which outperforms the most powerful virus protection programs, which reached 50 gigabytes in the paid version of Komodo

In addition to that, it has a new feature in the field of information security, as it designs for you an additional firewall inside the basic Android system files that will double the complete protection against any sophisticated malicious virus that may bypass Komodo protection such as ransomware and Trojan viruses.

After these wonderful features, it remains one of the best Android antivirus applications that give you all the features you need without slowing down your mobile phone.

7- McAfee Antivirus application

  • The interface is easy and simple to understand for beginners
  • A tool to clean the device and improve computer performance
  • An encrypted file storage tool

McAfee Antivirus is one of the most popular Android system protection applications that have proven its worth, but honestly, it does not have any feature different from the features of the other programs that we mentioned above.

The feature that we may think is somewhat different is the encrypted storage feature, as it creates for you a custom folder protected by the strongest firewall that is completely impenetrable except with complete difficulty, and you can put all your sensitive files, your work files and personal photos in this file so that no one can access this Folder and steal your personal files

And it contains a tool that cleans the mobile phone, and you can use it from time to time to delete cache and junk files in your phone's Android system.

8- Trend Micro Antivirus application

  • Strong protection for your computer and smartphone
  • Automatic daily check to make sure everything is ok
  • It has a very good privacy policy, as it does not keep your personal data

One of the strongest features of the Trend Micro Antivirus application is that it has an automatic, instant scan

As it contains a very powerful sensor and if it senses any movements of any viruses inside your Android system, it will delete it immediately and alert you to that through a notification, and in addition to this it has proven its worth in protecting mobile phones, especially Android systems from Trojan viruses that spy on the camera

It is considered one of the best Android protection programs for its users' privacy policy, as some international programs collect customer data and sell them to high-level agencies.

But the parent company that manufactured the Trend Micro app stated that its customers' data is not stored on a visible database they have, only data for subscription, etc.

9- The Total IV Anti-virus application

  • A quick and complete scan of the files of your entire device
  • Ad blocker and popup windows
  • Family protection tool when browsing to protect your children

The Total Av application in Total Av Antivirus for Android does not differ in different features that make it distinct from others, so it includes a quick scan of your device files and contains a tool that prevents any forced ads or pop-ups that appear for you

In addition, it contains a tool to protect children when browsing on the Internet, which masks all the risks that they may be exposed to due to their lack of technological experience.

10- Panda Antivirus application

  • Simple and easy-to-understand interface for beginners
  • Quick rescue feature by USB flash
  • Popup keyboard

The Panda Antivirus application contains some features and characteristics that made it unique and advanced and compete with information security giants such as Norton and Kaspersky

Some of those features include the quick rescue feature, which is a feature that makes you able to treat an infected mobile phone for one of your friends, by connecting the phone to a computer and then checking it with the Panda Antivirus program for the computer

In addition, it contains a tool that opens a pop-up keyboard for you when using your credit card on the Internet, and what is distinguished in that tool is that some viruses may spy on everything you type on the keyboard

Thus, you can withdraw all your passwords that you type, and when you open the pop-up keyboard for you, the virus will not be able to spy on anything that is written through it.

11- AVG Anti-virus application

  • A tool dedicated to encrypting personal photos
  • A powerful antivirus
  • A comprehensive tool to check mobile problems

One of the best free Android protection applications is the AVG Antivirus program, which is characterized by containing a tool dedicated to encrypting personal photos and not making them visible if they are transferred to any other device.

This feature won the admiration of a large group of users of this application, as some hackers and cybercriminals use methods of extortion after stealing the personal pictures of some girls or men

In addition, it contains a powerful tool to protect Android from violent viral attacks such as Trojan attacks and ransomware viruses, and what is more remarkable is that its protection system is updated on a daily basis.

Tips for choosing the best Android protection application

Count our interesting and enjoyable experience with the 11 best Android security apps

We can tell you that the best paid application is the Kaspersky Antivirus application, and the best free application is the IVG Antivirus application

You can use any application as you like, but each application has its own features that make its users happy to use it to protect their mobile phones, and since you have searched for articles talking about Android protection programs, you must be a smart person and think rationally

It is not the type of people who pay attention to them too late, and do not forget that we all have work files, personal photos, sensitive data and conversations between us and other people that we fear being stolen, so we hope that you install a protection program for your Android system today and do not postpone this for tomorrow.

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