Check your link before opennig

We use the Internet extensively daily, and electronic links are exchanged between people in the practical and social sphere, and activities that take place through the Internet such as online meetings, mailing messages, etc.

But have you ever wondered that there is such a thing as "link mining"?

Yes, there is something with this name that would cause very great risks to your data and files, as the mining includes mining the link with all kinds of computer viruses or mobile phones that you can imagine if you have a background about viruses.

Now, let us go to the heart of the matter, and explain in detail two parts, the first part is: What is the mining of the electronic link, how is the mining process carried out and how is it spied on people through it

The second part is: How to know the link Does it contain a virus or is it safe? And the best way to reveal links with programs or without programs .. Let's start our conversation:

What is the link mining?

Mining the link is a process that takes place through an internet hacker, through which it integrates a virus with an electronic link programmatically, and when you click on this link, the virus is automatically downloaded on the device of the person who pressed it, and then in the end the virus is activated as soon as it comes out. The espionage operation through the amalgamated link.

But how does the mining process take place and how is it spied on people?

It is done through one of the programs in the field of cybersecurity, but it is difficult to explain here, but in general the virus is combined with an electronic link connected to a database that was programmed on a specific command, and when you click on this link, the virus is downloaded automatically and then the virus is programmed to automatic activation As soon as it comes on the victim's device.

How are people spied on through mining links?

There are many ways and various methods used by internet hackers to be able to target their victims and penetrate their electronic devices and spy on them, and among the most popular methods currently spread are:

  • Victim hacking through email links
  • Most of the short short links
  • Links with strange symbols (most dangerous)
  • Sponsored links on Whatsapp
  • Victim penetration through porn sites and advertising images
  • These are the most common methods of hacking devices and mobile phones through prey links.

What does the word victim mean?

Victim means the person who is infected with the virus or whose device has been hacked, it is called by this name in all areas of espionage.

How do I know that the link has a virus or a security?

  1. Log in to VirusTotal website
  2. Click on the URL menu
  3. Copy the suspicious link and place it in the URL list and press Enter to start the scanning process

If you want more clarification on how to use VirusTotal site, read the following article: Explanation of VirusTotal site to check forged links

The best way to reveal links with programs or without programs

You can check suspicious links without programs through the Virustotal website, the steps of which we explained in the previous paragraph, and you can also check suspicious links with programs through your use of a powerful paid antivirus such as Kaspersky Antivirus

Or use a fairly powerful free antivirus program like Avira Free Antivirus.

But how do antivirus programs protect you from suspicious and mining links?

Antivirus firewall has what is called proactive defense, and it is a feature that automatically blocks any virus file that consists of automatic programming that makes it run automatically or be downloaded to your device automatically

So you have clicked on the link. The virus is supposed to go down immediately on your device and activate itself automatically, but here the antivirus prevents these commands, when you click on the viral link, the antivirus will prevent the automatic download of the virus automatically and alert you with a notification that there is a suspicious link that you clicked on .

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