QNAP Ransomware attack

What's QNAP ?

QNAP is a type of Network Attached Storage(NAS), are systems that consist of one or more hard drives, that are constantly connected to the internet. The QNAP, works as your backup "hub", or storage unit that stores all your important files and media such as photos, videos and music. you don't need external hard drive, Qnab can be placed at home and accessible for you and your family to use at anytime and anywhere.

QNAP Ransomware attack

Due to Ransomware attacks in 2021 attacked QNAP devices worldwide is underway, and users are finding their files now locked with password-protected 7zip archives.

The ransomware is called Qlocker, and began targeting QNAP devices. the QNAP Resource Monitor will display numerous '7z' processes which are the 7zip command-line executable.

When the ransomware has finished its work, the QNAP device's files will be stored in password-protected 7-zip archives that will end with the .7z extension. To extract these archives, victims will need to enter a password known only to the attacker.

after QNAP encryption, attackers left a text file READ_ME.txt that contain a ransom note that includes a unique client key that the victims need.

all victims are told to pay cryptos, to unlock their archived files. 

This key is unique to the victim and cannot be used for another victims' devices.

How to remove the QNAP Ransomware ?

QNAP has released an updated version of Malware Remover, for operating systems such as QTS, and QuTS hero, to address the ransomware attack. If user data is encrypted or being encrypted, the NAS must not be shut down. Users should run a malware scan with the latest Malware Remover version immediately, and then contact QNAP Technical Support.

For unaffected users , it's recommended to immediately install the latest Malware Remover version and run a malware scan as a precautionary measure.

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