How to Disable Smart Lock

Learn,How to Disable Smart Lock, smart lock, phone smart lock, google smart lock

How to Disable Smart Lock. By playing with your phone settings, you have activated Smart Lock from google . A feature that allows you to keep your android device automatically unlocked under certain conditions . The problem is that after that, your mobile phone is almost always unlocked, and consequently your data is at the mercy of everyone. 

In order to end this problem, you have opened Google for a guide on how to disable smart locking and you have come here. All right, I'm glad to let you know you're in the right place, at the right time. In this guide, I'll explain how to disable Google's intelligent unlocking system, which works directly from operating system settings . Don't worry, it's not difficult at all: the steps I will illustrate are available to everyone.

How to disable Smart Lock: previous steps

Before I get to the heart of this guide, I will give you some more information on this topic. For starters, Google's Smart Lock is a technology that, thanks to a range of real-time data (motion data, location data, nearby devices, etc.), allows you to keep Android devices unlocked when it reaches a given state

In practice, it is possible, if necessary, to ensure that the phone or tablet is unlocked by pressing a single unlock button (which omits the insertion of a fingerprint , code, PIN or sequence) when in a certain geographical position, for example at home. Or, again, it is possible to configure automatic unlocking in Android when the device in question is "hooked" to a previously paired bluetooth device .

When the Android mobile phone or tablet is automatically unlocked using the above function, the padlock icon placed on the device's lock screen is surrounded by a translucent circle. By long tapping on this icon, you can "force" your mobile phone or tablet to lock, even if the conditions set by Smart Lock appear. However, the device locks automatically 4 hours after the last use or when you restart it.

If, on the one hand, Google’s Smart Lock functionality can be particularly useful and speed up device unlocking, it can also pose a serious security issue , due to the limitations of the mechanisms involved.

Let me explain better:

For example, if you have guests at home, anyone can access your phone data if you have activated Smart Lock for your home address by simply unlocking it with the appropriate button. In addition, motion-related auto-release cannot "understand" who the actual user of the device is. That way, it could be easily unlocked even by those who would not have a legitimate right to it.

So, if you are in such a situation and want to disable Google Smart Unlock, you are in the right guide: in the next chapter I will explain how to disable Samsung Smart Lock for all other Android branded devices that support this feature.

How to disable it step by step

Do you fully understand how the smart lock system developed by Google works, but would you still like to disable it to avoid data security and privacy issues? No problem. In this section, I will be in charge of explaining to you how to remove Smart Lock using the official procedure provided by Android.

Ready to get started? Good. First, take your Android device and open the settings menu , by pressing the gear button located on the home screen of the device.

Then go to Security and Location. Scroll to the next panel until you find Smart Lock or Smart Lock And when you find it, select it by tapping. If necessary, enter the PIN field or c Device Password to transfer the system security control.

At this time, to completely disable Google's automatic unlocking system, you must disable the features enabled for automatic unlocking. Below I list what it is about and, for each of them, how to proceed with deactivation.

Device with you - Thanks to this system, the device stays unlocked when in contact with the body. When the device is placed on it, it locks automatically. To disable this feature, tap your name and upload the VAN handle located at the top of the screen.

Trusted locations - This system allows you to keep your device locked when you are in one or more locations (which are detected by the GPS location). To disable it, you need to remove all trusted sites: tap relative functionality, tap one of the configured locations, and tap remove located in the menu that appears on the screen. Repeat for all places on the list. To keep your device locked even when you're at home, tap the  clock (it contains a home address established via Google Maps ) and tap Deactivate this place in the menu attached below.

Trusted devices - With this feature, you can keep your device unlocked near a trusted Bluetooth device (for example, a car or Bluetooth speaker installed in your home). To disable it, tap the appropriate item, select one by one the trusted devices configured from the list, and tap Delete trusted device located in the alert panel that appears. However, this procedure will not remove the Bluetooth partnership between the Android device you are using and the one you just removed.

Trusted Face - This feature allows you to unlock your device by recognizing faces: after pressing the unlock button, just look at the camera to access the system. To disable this feature, tap your name, tap Delete trusted face is placed on the next panel and confirms your willingness to act by pressing the Remove button .

Train - This system is able to unlock the device and call Google Assistant, saying "Hello Google" in a familiar voice. To disable this feature, go to the section of the same name and move the Hello google en VAN handle .

If the above gives you the first setup procedure, do nothing and go to the next option: this means that the selected unlock mode is not configured on the system, so it is not active.

This should disable Google Smart Unlock on your mobile phone or tablet. As an added security measure, you can finally remove Smart Lock from the list of trusted device agents. This will, however, completely disable Google’s alternative unlocking system, along with the ability to voice-assist the Assistant.

Do you want to continue anyway? Then do this: go to Settings menu > Security / Security and Android location , tap the advanced y trusted agents items and finally climb the VAN lever for the Smart Lock formulation (Google) and that's it

If you deem it appropriate, you may reactivate Google Smart Lock at any time, activate the above-mentioned lever, and proceed with the later configuration of the automatic unlocking system of your choice. Settings> Security / Security and Location> Android Smart Lock

note - On Android 10 and later, additional auto-unlock options may be available. In any case, to remove Smart Lock, simply go to each and disable it, similar to what was seen during this guide.

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